
Momma & Baby Critter Pin Sets Preorders

Created by Lizbie Cafe

Enamel Pin Sets featuring Momma Critters and their little babies. Pin sets include one 2-2.5", and three .5-.8" hard enamel pins.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New family sets added!
28 days ago – Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 12:56:23 PM

I know I said I wanted to wait until the poll was over but I was itching to add these as quick as I could to the campaign. I might add another set and I know you guys want more cute critters to grab at, but I'm feeling very overwhelmed lol!! It might look like only 8 choices but with all of these pins counted I have 32 pins to keep track of now 😂

I love you guys, I hope you like these new family additions! I'll be updating the campaign banner soon but I need a coffee and maybe a nap.

Fully Funded🎉🎉
30 days ago – Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 03:54:01 PM

We unlocked every pin set within 1 hour! 🎉🎉

I wanted to wait until it was later in the day because I don't know about you but my email is entirely flooded with BackerKit emails 💦. But I figured since we already past 2x the funding I planned for this campaign, I'd go ahead and get this update out!!

First off I am speechless. I'm floored. I'm crying. You guys blew my expectations out of the water and I am so very truly grateful for each and every one of you. I expected maybe 30 or 50 backers within the first 48 hours and you were all HOLD MY BEER and body slammed me with OVER 230????

I'm sitting here with pin banner freebies like

I had no idea I would get here but I am ready to roll up my sleeves and make even more momma and baby critters. So let me know which animals you want to see, the top 2 animals will become the next family pin sets! You have until January 28th, then the poll closes!!

Shipping to the EU
about 1 month ago – Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 06:54:09 AM

Hi everyone! I just wanted to make this update because I came across a few questions regarding my last campaign and already see a few questions pop up with this one.

Because I do not meet the requirements for the new GPSR laws, I cannot ship to EU countries.

Please feel free to use a non-EU friend or family member or you can always use a proxy shipping service. Ones I have seen recommended: Planet Express, Global Shopaholic,  My US, Ship7, Shippingclear 

If anyone else from the EU has a forwarding proxy they want to recommend please do so to help out your fellow pin collector EU friends in the comments! ♡

A 48 hour early bird freebie has been added!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 01:27:27 PM

I'm still working on the artwork but I am SO excited to bring out another pin banner, I hope you are as excited as I am! Can you believe we launch in less than 48 hours? 😲

Countdown begins....
about 1 month ago – Sun, Jan 19, 2025 at 12:20:30 PM

Only a few more days until Pintopia! Are you excited? I have a small poll up for you guys to let me know which pin set you're most excited about ~ if you have more than one lmk in the comments!!